I've question about units in fields Db_GpsPt_dX,Db_GpsPt_dY from table Table_GpsPtArray_Point_Array located in every *.db (sqllite format) file maintained by Landstar application for GPS-RTK measurement. Unfortunatelly (CHC) Producer's support didn't response for my request, so i hope StackOverflow will be more helpful.
I know that for base points units are in ECEF units (WGS cartesian) but for rest of measured points there are values, that aren't corrected delta values either in ECEF, local XY oraz WGS84 (decimal). It is weird, units in given column should be written in the same format, but it isn't for that file.
Anyone has ideas about meaning of mentioned fields? Thanks for help.
OK problem solved - i've just realized that 0,898 0,344 coefficients are an absolute coordinates in WGS84 datum written in radians.