I'm building a map of several counties that share borders. Each county is it's own enclosed path, and therefore the borders of adjacent counties are stacked over one another.
I'd like to give each county a dashed stroke. However, when applied, the intersecting borders look ugly as the dashed borders of each county overlap, creating an uneven dash appearance.
My users will be selecting counties by mousing over the area within the county borders, thus (I believe) making it necessary to create an enclosed path for each county.
I ended up solving this differently than any of the suggestions. I posted another, more specific question here. (See my answer)
Once I completed the steps I outlined in the other question, I converted the shapefile back to geojson and loaded it into my map. I didn't remove the geojson that included the whole polygons, but simply turned off the border style on that layer. I then applied the same layer stylings to the dissolved geojson, and this time with a dashed stroke.