I have a multilingual website running SPIP. The highest level sections consists of all the languages. Under the language is the 'real' hierarchy as the end user experiences it. On the first level here, I have four sections, each identified by its own colour, so that I can create an effect like on bbc.com: every section (e.g. sports) has its own colour.
Now, in the sidebar, I want to create a list of latest updates, site-wide. This is not the problem, I'll put the code below. But now I need to identify the number of the highest level section, ignoring the language level (so I cannot use #ID_SECTEUR
). Would something like this be possible?
The code for the latest updates loop:
<BOUCLE_recent(ARTICLES){id_secteur}{age<150}{par date}{inverse}{!lang_select}{!mots.titre = 'NotInMenu'}{0,0}>
<div class="recent_article">
<h3><a href="#URL_ARTICLE">[(#SOUSTITRE): ][(#TITRE)]</a></h3>
<p class="artdate">[(#DATE|affdate_jourcourt)]</p>
<p class="artdescr">[(#INTRODUCTION|couper{320})]</p>
The answer can be found using the HIERARCHIE loop: