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Non-blocking Thrift-Server with Django

I need to access data coming from a Django webapp via a Thrift interface. I'd like to do this in a non-blocking way (eg. using libevent/gevent...) but there aren't many example implementations (in python) around, so I'd like ask here for any examples/hints/experiences!

Please note that this question is about using Thrift, not any other protocol, and I know that there might be better frameworks for this purpose than Django, but using it is also a requirement!


  • This can be done by implementing a thrift server within a Django admin command. See the link for the file structure you will need. In the command file, which you may call "", you would then implement the usual thrift server as follows:

    import sys
    from import BaseCommand
    from thrift.transport import TSocket
    from thrift.transport import TTransport
    from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
    from thrift.server import TServer
    #import thrift files here
    #now define the service handler according to your thrift method declaration
    class ServiceHandler:
        def __init__(self):
            #self.log = {}
        def thriftMethodName(self, arg):
            print "hello world!"
            #here you have access to anything in the django framework
            return True
    class Command(BaseCommand):
        def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
            handler = ServiceHandler()
            processor = SaleService.Processor(handler)
            transport = TSocket.TServerSocket(port=9090)
            tfactory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory()
            pfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory()
            server = TServer.TSimpleServer(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)
            # You could do one of these for a multithreaded server
            #server = TServer.TThreadedServer(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)
            #server = TServer.TThreadPoolServer(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)
            self.stdout.write('Starting thrift server...')

    Notice that multithreaded server options are described above, though I have not tested these yet.

    You could then run the daemon as follows:

    (virtualenv) /django_project/ > python thrift_server