Is it possible to run PHP Codesniffer from a .phar file? What does the following documentation, taken from a Sublime Text 2 plugin at, mean?
If you have installed php-cs-fixer, phpmd or phpcs via homebrew then please make sure that you define the "*_executable_path" option to the .phar application and not the wrapper script that is placed in your bin folder, as this will cause odd behaviour.
sudo find / -name '*.phar'
doesn't bring up any PHP Codesniffer files on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. I have set phpcs_executable_path = /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.4.4/libexec/phpcs
in the plugin but Codesniffer does not run.
unknown-58-b0-35-73-71-82:bin scisteffan$ ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep phpcs
lrwxr-xr-x 1 scisteffan admin 42 16 Mar 13:38 phpcs -> ../Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.4.4/bin/phpcs
unknown-58-b0-35-73-71-82:bin scisteffan$ ls -la /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.4.4/bin | grep phpcs
lrwxr-xr-x 1 scisteffan admin 54 8 Mar 11:52 phpcs -> /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.4.4/libexec/phpcs
Furthermore, phpcs works if I install it using pear install
and link it into Sublime Text 2. Just can't figure out how to link it with php-code-sniffer
This is a little late but here is a link that shows you how to do this easier:
You will have to do some Googling on how to set up Homebrew. This should get you going in the right direction.