I'm trying to change in my emulator the battery status as capacity and ac status but isn't working.
I made the whole steps:
1) Connected to the emulator via telnet;
2) Tried to use the commands such power ac off and power capacity 70
3) Every time I checked the power display, the same configuration appears and no change I input is save, and the emulator always show the battery with a "!".
FR I saw this link Change emulator battery level in Windows, tried it and nothing resolved.
Follow my data about the battery:
power display
AC: online
status: Not charging
health: Dead
present: false
capacity: 0
Thank you!
It seems like your emulator device has battery option turned off.
Open AVD configuration file:
Default location for Linux/MAC
~/.android/avd/<AVD name>.avd/config.ini
Default location for Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.android\avd\<AVD name>.avd\config.ini
Default location for Windows Vista and later
C:\Users\<user>\.android\avd\<AVD name>.avd\config.ini
Change the line: