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Can I use sqlite 3 on non rooted device

Hi all, I am aware how to use sqlite3 on emulator to monitor data of app. Is it possible to use on a real device?
My device is Nexus S when I try on my device it says sqlite3 is not found. Is it compulsory to sqlite 3 device must be a rooted one? My device is not a rooted device.

I am aware of other mechanism of looking data for example dump db file in SD card then use third party SQL browser to look into the data.


  • If you're asking about using sqlite3 on shell (terminal), then no -- first you can't access the databases folder in your app because of permissions. second there's probably no sqlite3 installed in your non-rooted phone.

    lucky enough, your nexus s, being a nexus device, is one of the easiest devices to root. there's even a tool created to root any nexus device - get it here.

    After rooting, follow instructions on the third post here to install sqlite.