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simplefacebook SSO fallback won't do anythin

I have tried the Wrapper with facebook installed and everything worked fine: SSO, then publish via custom dialog and everything worked fine.

Then i wanted to do the same on a machine without the facebook app installed, but after the login dialog nothing happened.

Basically, this is the code. I followed basically the code of the sample, so the most of the code should be "familiar":

Fragment fields:

    private SimpleFacebook mSimpleFacebook;     
    private OnLoginListener mOnLoginListener = new OnLoginListener()

        public void onThinking()
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        public void onException(Throwable throwable)
            toast("Exception: " + throwable.getMessage());
            Log.e(TAG, "Bad thing happened", throwable);            

        public void onFail(String reason)

        public void onLogin()

        public void onNotAcceptingPermissions(Type type)
            toast("Permission not accepted");   


    private ProgressDialog mProgress;

Fragment onCreate:

        Permission[] permissions = new Permission[]

        SimpleFacebookConfiguration configuration = new SimpleFacebookConfiguration.Builder()


Fragment onResume as in Sample

Button in Fragment view:


publishFeed. The Last static function in Utils generates the Feed and the AlertDialog.

        private void publishFeed()
            // listener for publishing action
            OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener()

                public void onFail(String reason)
                    // insure that you are logged in before publishing
                    Log.w(TAG, "Failed to publish");
//                  toast("Failed to publish");

                public void onException(Throwable throwable)
                    Log.e(TAG, "Bad thing happened", throwable);
//                  toast("Bad thing happened");

                public void onThinking()
                    // show progress bar or something to the user while publishing

                public void onComplete(String postId)
                    ActionType type = ActionType.FBPOST;
                    if(MQData.getInstance().checkEventConstraint(mEvent, getActivity().getApplicationContext()))
                        type = ActionType.FBPOSTEVENT;
                    Points.addPoints(type, mEvent.getEvent_id(), getActivity().getApplicationContext());

            // feed builder
//          Feed feed = new Feed.Builder()
//              .setMessage("Clone it out...")
//              .setName("Simple Facebook SDK for Android")
//              .setCaption("Code less, do the same.")
//              .setDescription("The Simple Facebook library project makes the life much easier by coding less code for being able to login, publish feeds and open graph stories, invite friends and more.")
//              .setPicture("")
//              .setLink("")
//              .addAction("Like us on Facebook", "")
//              .build();
//          mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, true, onPublishListener);

            Utils.createFBPostBuilder(mEvent, getActivity(), mSimpleFacebook, onPublishListener).create().show();

Is there anything wrong? Do i have to make special configurations in my Facebook App or is it just an error in the Android code?

Thanks in advance,



  • I have found the solution for my problem.

    I thought it was sufficient to add onActivityResult in the Fragment

    public void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
        mSimpleFacebook.onActivityResult(getActivity(), requestCode, resultCode, data);
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    but i also had to add this in the activity

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        SimpleFacebook.getInstance(this).onActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data);
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);