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Webstorm/File Watcher - how to compile and minify coffeescript at a same time?

How to automatically minify javascript output files after compiling coffeescript files in webstorm?

Update: I was going to use UglifyJS or YUI Compressor with File Watcher but it will "watch" for changes on all JS files. That's why I don't want to use the File Watcher. Is there another way to solve this problem? (keyboard shortcut to minify the files that I am editing only?)


  • according to webstorm docs:

    WebStorm supports integration with the following JavaScript minification tools:

    In WebStorm, minifier configurations are called File Watchers. For each supported minifier, WebStorm provides a predefined File Watcher template. Predefined File Watcher templates are available at the WebStorm level. To run a minifier against your project files, you need to create a project-specific File Watcher based on the relevant template, at least, specify the path to the minifier to use on your machine.

    I assume you could create your own transpiler config for watching and autominifying only coffeescript files: