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How to handle two or more domainevents in c#?

In C# I have a scenario where in at least 2 places different domain events are raised and I want a single hander to handle them with the same code (other listeners may perform the event specific code). With the handlers using the following pattern;

public class SomeHandler : IHandler<SomeEvent>
   public SomeHandler()
      //whatever init code

   public void Handle(SomeArgs args)
       //Common code

So what is the best way to handle more than one Event with the same Handler? Thanks


  • IHandler<SomeEvent> is an interface so perhaps you can implement multiple ones:

    public class SomeHandler : IHandler<SomeEvent>, IHandler<SomeOtherEvent>
       public SomeHandler()
          //whatever init code
       public void Handle(SomeArgs args)
           //Common code
       public void Handle(SomeOtherArgs args)
           //Common code