Starting with a list such as:
['aaaa', 'aaata', 'aaatt']
How could I prepend a different character to that start of each item denoting its order, i.e. produce a list that went:
['>1/naaaa', '>2/naaata', '>3/naaatt']
Thank you
You can use a list comprehension with enumerate
>>> lst = ['aaaa', 'aaata', 'aaatt']
>>> [">{}/n{}".format(x, y) for x,y in enumerate(lst, 1)]
['>1/naaaa', '>2/naaata', '>3/naaatt']
Regarding your comment, all you need is string.ascii_lowercase
>>> from string import ascii_lowercase
>>> ascii_lowercase # Just to demonstrate
>>> lst = ['aaaa', 'aaata', 'aaatt']
>>> [">{}/n{}".format(ascii_lowercase[x], y) for x,y in enumerate(lst)]
['>a/naaaa', '>b/naaata', '>c/naaatt']