Let's assume you have an overview like this:
To me, this is both a table and a couple of nested lists.
What is the semantically correct way of implementing this in HTML?
Unlike Mike, I don't think we're dealing with tabular data here. You have nested lists of publications. Following a few guidelines (Google, html5 Doctor, ...) about authorship and publications dates; the extra data about publication you're dealing with is more likely "labels" to your content that could be styled in many ways, thus rejecting the tabular data hypothesis. I've chosen the following approach per <li>
<span class="title">What Should I use, li or table?</span>
<time datetime="2014-04-08T15:27Z">2d ago</time>
<address><a rel="author" href="#">John Jackson</a></address>
I reproduced your nested list in this JSFiddle, styled it as yours and styled it in a non-tabular way. You'll notice the HTML segment never changed in any of the three styling I've produced. Being able to style it like the previous Fiddles demonstrates how the HTML is semantically appropriate.
Semantics often induces different valid approaches, some of my usage might not be perfect, but the main idea should be appropriate. Let me know if this answers your question properly! :-)