In the code file i have to link just one library (from gi.repository import Gtk). But when i run it it replies me:
Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkTextView.input-purpose
ERROR --file: collega_GUI --riga: 160, 'Grid' object has no attribute 'get_child_at'
So i tried to find missing libraries:
$ dpkg -l libgtk[0-9]* | grep ^i
ii libgtk2.0-0 2.24.10-0ubuntu6 GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.10-0ubuntu6 programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-common 2.24.10-0ubuntu6 common files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-dev 2.24.10-0ubuntu6 development files for the GTK+ library
and Grid object needs gtk3+, so let's install it:
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0 libgtk-3-common libgtk-3-dev libgtk-3-doc
0 updated, 0 installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded
So it's all fine with libraries and:
gtk-grid-get-child-at exists
GtkTextView--input-purpose exists
that "input-purpose" problem is strange, because on the previous OS (ubuntu 13.10, now i'm on 12.04) i didn't get that problem.
The UI is built by Glade, but i never get that error previously: on the same project files, but on a different OS version.
I still think i need to install some libraries.
EDIT :: ged_child_at function call
griglia = self.__builder.get_object('grid3')
for i in range(0, 3):
area = griglia.get_child_at(i, 0)
self.__builder.get_object(Gtk.Buildable.get_name(area)).connect("draw", self.draw)
The tag Since 3.6
for that property which means in Gtk+ 3.4
(which is the default of ubuntu 12.04 if I recall correctly).
So you either work around it or you go the thorny way of upgrading to Gtk+ 3.6
- which I - with all respect - do strongly disrecommend - especially since Unity needs various patches being incorporated into Gtk+
to work at all.
I just checked in gtk+-3.10.x the python bindings are fine and include get_child_at(..)
This question contains an answer that in fact this is a bug in the python bindings of gtk+ 3.4
Solutions: Backport the git commit that fixes this (should be very tiny git commit) recompile/create deb package (significant knowledge required).
An alternate route would be to locally fix the binding specification and recreate the python introspection bindings locally - not sure if that is possible though - never did that.