I am trying to extract the date from a query in postgres. The timestamp is stored as UTC, so if I have 1/1/2014 02:00:00, I want the date in pacific time, to be 12/31/2013, not 1/1/2014. I am really close, but both query 2 and 3 still return 1/1/2014.
SELECT '1-1-2014 02:00:00'::timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles';
2014-01-01 02:00:00-08
SELECT CAST('1-1-2014 02:00:00'::timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles' AS Date);
but I want it to return 2013-12-31
SELECT CAST('1-1-2014 00:02:00'::timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles' AS Date) at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles';
2014-01-01 00:00:00
but I want it to return 2013-12-31 00:00:00
I basically want to return the date in the timezone it is in, in this case the pacific timezone.
If it is timestamp without time zone you need first to tell it to use the UTC time zone and then convert to another time zone:
SELECT '1-1-2014 02:00:00'::timestamp at time zone 'UTC' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles';
2013-12-31 18:00:00