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Correctly specify path dependent type annotation

I'm playing with path dependent types and become puzzled with a simple case where type inference could not help me and I have no idea how the type should be specified manually

final class Dependency[A]() {
  final case class Box protected[Dependency] (data : A)
  def box(data : A) : Box = Box(data)
  def unbox(box : Box) : A =

def correct() {
  val dep = new Dependency[Int]
  val u =
  val v = dep.unbox(u)

object InCorrect {
  def wrap(src : Int) = { // what return type should be here?
    val dep = new Dependency[Int]
    val box =
    (dep, box)
  def unwrap() {
    val (dep,box) = wrap(0)
    val v = dep.unbox(box) //type mismatch found

I just split one function into two and type information gets lost somewhere between two calls. How can I reestablish it?


  • As for the return type:

    def wrap(src: Int): (Dependency[Int], Dependency[Int]#Box) = {
      val dep = new Dependency[Int]
      val box =
      (dep, box)

    As for getting the values from the tuple:

    def unwrap() = {
      val x = wrap(20)
      val (dep, _) = x
      val (_, box: dep.Box) = x
      val v = dep.unbox(box)

    So this workaround pulls out the first value, and uses the type thereof in a type ascription to get the second value.