I'm trying to convert the following curl command into httr/RCurl to get a cookie into R. But I'm not sure how to pass the data "j_username=username&j_password=password" using getURL(...) or GET(...)
curl --data "j_username=username&j_password=password" http://localhost:8080/myApp/j_spring_security_check --cookie-jar cookies.txt
I'm able to get the cookie information created by command line curl command above and paste it into the GET request (it works). If I could generate the cookie within R it would be convenient.
Here's my working httr get GET():
"Accept-Version"=" 1.0",
It's hard to tell without a reproducible example, but I think the httr code you want is this:
baseUrl <- "http://localhost:8080/myApp/"
POST(baseUrl, path = "j_spring_security_check",
body = list(j_username = "username", j_password = "password"),
multipart = FALSE,
headers <- add_headers(
"Content-Type" = "application/json",
Accept = "application/json",
"Accept-Version" = "1.0"
GET(baseUrl, headers, verbose())
httr automatically sets up the handle to preserve cookies within a domain.