The following @font-face declaration works perfectly well on Firefox (Mac) but not Safari/WebKit:
@font-face {
src:local("Garamond Premier Pro"), /* Full name */
local("GaramondPremrPro"), /* Postscript name */
url("GaramondPremrPro.otf") format("opentype"); /* Fallback */
h2 {
font-family:MyGaramond, sans-serif !important;
To clarify, I've also tried:
@font-face {
src:local("Garamond Premier Pro"), /* Full name */
local("GaramondPremrPro"), /* Postscript name */
url("GaramondPremrPro.otf"); /* Fallback */
h2 {
font-family:MyGaramond, sans-serif !important;
, with/without quotes, etc.
Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how did you fix it? That this isn't working is really baffling (and a tad irritating...).
I think webkit still has some problems with opentype. How does opera handle it?