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Populating a Collection Property of a fixture with autofixture

I have just started using AutoFixture, and i am getting the basics down (from what i can see there is much more to it) but i am having an issue and i am not 100% sure what the best practice is for stuff like this.

I am testing a controller, and part of the process is the action can return one of two views.

  • If a category has children - show the category listing view
  • If a category does not have children show the product listing view

So i am thinking of a few tests for that behavior, but the fixture data returned would be different. One would return a count of 0, the other a greater count then zero, so i would like the fixture to help me with that.

I have been looking around, and maybe i have to create a customisation of some sort, but was hoping the basic API could help me here. I tried this:

var category = _fixture.Build<Category>()
    .Do(x => x.SubCategories = _fixture.CreateMany<Category>(3).ToList())

    .Setup(x => x.GetById(id))

This compiles and tests run (and fail), but the sub categories always has a count of 0, so i am thinking my call to Create Many in the do is all wrong (it kinda looks wrong but i am still unsure what it should be replaced with).

UPDATE: should read the cheat sheet a bit better!

var category = _fixture.Build<Category>()
    .With(x => x.SubCategories, _fixture.CreateMany<Category>(3).ToList())

This works, if there is a better way please let me know.


  • Yes, Build is correct.

    If you want to customize the creation algorithm for a single Category use Build:

    var actual = fixture
        .With(x => x.SubCategories, 

    If you want to customize the creation algorithm for all Category instances use Customize:

    fixture.Customize<Category>(c => c
        .With(x => x.SubCategories,
    var actual = fixture.Create<Category>();