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jQuery.validate does not validate dropdown with selectbox() javascript

I am having several drop-down in my HTML and I am using jQuery Selectbox plugin (selectbox()) for customized drop-down.

Also I need to validate the form, for which I am using jQuery.validate js.

When I apply the selectbox() like $("#pd_subject").selectbox(); to the dropdowns jQuery.validate does not validate the dropdown at all,

Fiddle Case 1 : Case1

but when I remove the selectbox() property from dropdowns, jQuery.validate starts validating them.

Fiddle Case 2 : Case2

What could be the hurdle in first case??


  • Figured it out.

    The Latest jQuery.validate.js (1.9.0 & more) ignores the hidden fields and only validates the visible fields on the form.

    > ignore: ":hidden",

    Where as the older version of validate.js (1.8.1 & less) has this line:

    > ignore: [],

    Which includes every field on the form, whether it is visible or not.

    The selectbox() plugin simply hides the drop-down and adds new div in the HTML supporting the design and customization

    <select id="qwerty" name="qwerty" sb="55594954" style="display: none;">...</select>
    <div id="sbHolder_55594954" class="sbHolder">.....</div>

    and that's why the dropdown keep escaping from validation.

    Updated fiddle with old validate.js here: