I have a few specific Questions.
I´m developing a touristic app. It works great, but after a long time launching new activities it crashes. I used the debug and i realized it uses a lot of memory, it is like the activities don´t closes altought I call.
public void onBackPressed() {
after removing some static variables and using in every new activity this flag
memory space is relieved. App performance looks good, altought it uses a lot of images and listviews because i used Holders
However, in the main activity i placed the same onBackPressed code, but after pressing it the app is not closed, the memory usage is decreased but i have my doubts
Here is my Questions
Is the app really closing?
It still there because is a recent app?
The memory usage decreasing means that the activity FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and onBackPressed() is Working?
Is this the right way to manage the activities to finish() ?