I want to update one field of my model after post save. For that I am using post_save signal but when I try to save the model it always get trapped in some kind of infinite loop and in the end I am getting max, recursion depth error
My code is as follows :
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def profile_thumbanil(sender, created, instance , **kwargs):
profile = UserProfile.objects.get(id = instance.id)
thumb = handlers.create_thumbanil(profile.image, profile.user_id)
profile.thumbnail_image = thumb
post_save.connect(profile_thumbanil, sender=UserProfile)
I don't know what's the error here. If anyone can tell me another way of saving the data after post_save then that will be also fine.
Edit :
save() will not work in my case because I am creating the thumbnail of images and the script which I using resize the images which are already exist on server and thus untill the save() finished its work image will not be saved on server and thus I cannot resize it that's why I can only run my function after save() finished its work so that image will be saved on server and I can resize it.
I can use Update() when user try to save images via UI and in that case my function works because Image is already saved into db but when admin (django-admin) try to upload an image then issue comes. So I need to call my function in such a way that whenever django admin save/edit profile images I can call my function but as I said my function only works after actual save() finished its work.
You can redefine save method of the model. It is more appropriate in your case than using signals because you modify the same instance.
Maybe this would be helpful: http://www.martin-geber.com/thought/2007/10/29/django-signals-vs-custom-save-method/