So I am trying to deploy my rails app in production. When I go to the page I get a 500 error. When I go to my error logs I get the following error:
Exception RuntimeError in Rack application object (Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment, set this value in `config/secrets.yml`)
I am running Rails 4.1 and my config/secrets.yml looks like this:
secret_key_base: <development key>
secret_key_base: <test key>
# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
I ran rake secret to get the key and put the export in my bash_profile and sourced it. I ran rake assets:precompile successfully. Yet I still keep getting this error. Any ideas?
Update: I tried to update the error message provided to give slightly better information....and the message didn't update. I then tried adding the key directly to the yml file instead of using an environment variable and still no dice. Im running on hostmonster so I can't restart the server.....but something is telling me thats what needs to be done...
Update 2: After sleeping through the night it seems that this issue is no longer an issue. It must have been some sort of caching. Now my issue is that its trying to use an old config that i changed days ago for my database. If I figure out how to nullify the cache I will post it here and mark it as an answer. If someone else knows how to do it please let me know and I will mark it as an answer. I am using HostMonster as my hosting and followed the steps they have on their site for hosting my rails app.
called in config/environment.rb
you can not change your settings.The problem is not with ENV pseudo-hash. secret_key_base will be nil if in ENV no such a key.