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Query issue on XmlReader with namespace alias/prefix

Trying to query XML with C# trough XmlReader but gets error cause namespace alias. The XML file is very large (<1,6GB) and alias and namespace can vary from file to file.

In the example below Im trying find the "MsgHead" tag but since there are a alias (<*mh:*MsgHead>) the query do not detect the tag. Since namespace and alias vary its not option to hard code alias and namespace.

Is there any option to ignore namespace alias?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<mh:MsgHead xmlns:xsi=""
        xsi:schemaLocation=" MsgHead-v1_2.xsd">
  <mh:Type DN="xxx" V="xxx"/>
  <mh:MIGversion>v1.2 2006-05-24</mh:MIGversion>
  <mh:ProcessingStatus DN="Produksjon" V="P"/>
  <mh:RequestedPriority DN="Normal" V="N"/>
  <mh:Ack DN="Ja" V="J"/>
   <mh:ComMethod DN="EDI" V="EDI"/>
 <mh:TypeId S="xxx" DN="HER-id" V="HER"/>

C# code:

string meldingsType = "N/A";
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.CheckCharacters = false;
XmlReader xmlLeser = XmlReader.Create(fil, settings);
while (xmlLeser.Read())
    if ((xmlLeser.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (xmlLeser.Name == "MsgHead"))
       meldingsType = "Hodemelding";


  • Don't check for a certain namespace prefix. The prefix doesn't matter, what matters are the local name and the namespace URI of the element.