I am wondering is it possible to run methods provided in node-ssh2 in a blocking way.
I am testing my code with node-vows.
snippet of conn-test.js
suite = vows.describe("conn-test");
topic: function () {
return new Connection("", "root", "oopsoops");
"run ls": function (conn) {
snippet of conn.js
var ssh2 = require("ssh2");
function Connection(ip, user, pw) {
//following attributes will be used on this.send()
this.sock = new ssh2();
this.ip = ip;
this.user = user;
this.pw = pw;
Connection.prototype.send = function (msg) {
var c = this.sock;
//Copy the example 1 on https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2
Node-Vows runs my code without errors. However, the problem is vows terminated faster than callback from ssh2. In other word, I cannot get response from ssh2.
It seems that node-async is one of the possible solution. However, I have no idea how to force the event driven calls becomes a blocking call by the help of async.
Anyone can help?
--Updated 10/04/2014
Fix the typo on title....
I've never used vows before, but according to their reference documentation, you should use this.callback
instead of returning a value. Your vows code might instead look something like:
var ssh2 = require('ssh2'),
assert = require('assert');
suite = vows.describe('conn-test');
topic: function() {
var conn = new ssh2.Connection(),
self = this;
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'root',
password: 'oopsoops'
conn.on('ready', function() {
'run ls': function(conn) {
var self = this;
conn.exec('ls', function(err, stream) {
stream.on('exit', function(code, signal, coredump) {
assert(code === 0);