#define DEFINE_STAT(Stat) \
struct FThreadSafeStaticStat<FStat_##Stat> StatPtr_##Stat;
The above line is taken from Unreal 4, and I know I could ask it over on the unreal forums, but I think this is a general C++ question that warrants being asked here.
I understand the first line defines a macro, however I am not well versed in preprocessor shenanigans in C++ and so I'm lost over there. Logic tells me the backslash means the declaration continues onto the next line.
looks a bit like a template, but there's #
's going on in there and a syntax I've never seen before in C++.
Could someone tell me what this means? I understand that you may not have access to Unreal 4, but it's just the syntax I don't understand.
is the preprocessor operator for concatenation.
So if you use
anywhere in the code, it gets replaced with
struct FThreadSafeStaticStat<FStat_foo> StatPtr_foo;
before your code is compiled.
Here is another example from a blog post of mine to explain this further.
#include <stdio.h>
#define decode(s,t,u,m,p,e,d) m ## s ## u ## t
#define begin decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e)
int begin()
This program would compile and execute successfully, and produce the following output:
When the preprocessor is invoked on this code,
is replaced with decode(a,n,i,m,a,t,e)
is replaced with m ## a ## i ## n
m ## a ## i ## n
is replaced with main
Thus effectively, begin()
is replaced with main()