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Site scraping with F# and Canopy

I am trying to write a simple scraper using F# and Canopy (see I am trying to extract text from all element with the class ".application-tile". However, in the code below, I get the following build error and I don't understand it.

This expression was expected to have type
    OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement -> 'a    
but here has type

Any idea why this is happening? Thanks!

open canopy
open runner
open System

let main argv = 
    start firefox

    "taking canopy for a spin" &&& fun _ ->
        url ""

        // Login Page
        "#i0116" << ""
        "#i0118" << "abc"
        click "#abcButton"

        // Get the Application Tiles -- BUILD ERROR HAPPENS HERE
        elements ".application-tile" |> (fun tile -> (tile |> (element ".application-name breakWordWrap"))) |> ignore



  • open canopy
    open runner
    start firefox
    "taking canopy for a spin" &&& fun _ ->
        url ""
        // Get the tds in tr
        let results = elements "#value_list td" |> read
        //or print them using iter
        elements "#value_list td" 
            |> List.iter (fun element -> System.Console.WriteLine(read element))

    That should do what you want.

    canopy has function called 'read' that takes in either a selector or an element. Since you have all of them from 'elements "selector"' you can map read over the list. takes in a function, runs it, and returns a list of results. (in C# its like elements.Select(x => read(x)) List.iter is the same as .foreach(x => System.Console.Writeline(read(x))