I've been testing using Sublime Text as a Python IDE, and there are two things I can't figure out how to do via settings or plugins, both related to tooltips / bubbles. I'm under the impression from comments I've seen about a (non-existent?) tooltip API that these features may not be possible at this time.
(1) The first is getting a popup of the docstring for a function, as in IPython (picture below). I know some autocompleters will fill in the autocomplete box with a list of arguments, or put something in the status bar, but I'm looking for something that pops up in place. (Or a documentation pane like Spyder's that automatically shows the documentation for the function you're on).
(2) The second is being able to get a tooltip of the lint error, as in Spyder. My mouse cursor disappeared from the screenshot, but it's hovering over the exclamation mark icon the gutter.
There is currently no tool tip API in ST, so the features you want are not available. I'm sure lots of plugin developers are hoping for this feature and if/when it's released, there will be a large number of updates to existing plugins to use the functionality.