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registering Bundle to symfony kernel

Instead of Using composer I download zip file of a bundle and extract this bundle to my symfony project. I change all relative address for example I change all namespace Trsteel\CkeditorBundle; to namespace Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle; for doing this I searched the downloaded directory for every Trsteel\CkeditorBundle and change all of them to Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle now when I want to use this Bundle on my project I register this bundle to my appKernel.php of symfony project But I reached this error

Error: Class 'Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle\TrsteelCkeditorBundle' not found in /Users/kingkong/Documents/workspace/dev/Project/SRC/app/AppKernel.php line 45


  • File names should be the same as namespace structure, capitalization may be an issue, so check that.

    You may want to place the bundle in this way - "Acme\Trsteel\CkeditorBundle\CkeditorBundle"