I am learning about the Apache Cassandra database [sic].
Does anyone have any good/bad experiences with deploying Cassandra to less than dedicated hardware like the offerings of Linode or Slicehost?
I think Cassandra would be a great way to scale a web service easily to meet read/write/request load... just add another Linode running a Cassandra node to the existing cluster. Yes, this implies running the public web service and a Cassandra node on the same VPS (which many can take exception with).
Pros of Linode-like deployment for Cassandra:
EDIT: found this which helps a bit: http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/CassandraHardware
I see that 1GB is the minimum but is this a recommendation? Could I deploy with a Linode 720 for instance (say 500 MB usable to Cassandra)? See http://www.linode.com/
How much ram you needs really depends on your workload: if you are write-mostly you can get away with less, otherwise you will want ram for the read cache.
You do get more ram for you money at my employer, rackspace cloud: http://www.rackspacecloud.com/cloud_hosting_products/servers/pricing. (our machines also have raided disks so people typically see better i/o performance vs EC2. Dunno about linode.)
Since with most VPSes you pay roughly 2x for the next-size instance, i.e., about the same as adding a second small instance, I would recommend going with fewer, larger instances than more, smaller ones, since in small numbers network overhead is not negligible.
I do know someone using Cassandra on 256MB VMs but you're definitely in the minority if you go that small.