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SignalR not set up correctly?

Quite obviously, I am screwing something up, but it seems like I've followed the documentation properly, so I'm asking for some insights.

I have built a simple ASP.NET MVC5 application, and I am testing asynchronous notification of a file state. As a proof of concept I:

  • Installed SignalR from NuGet
  • Added the script reference to my Layouts page
  • Added the "script" reference to "~/signalr/hubs"

I created a new NotificationHub like so:

public class Notification
    public MessageLevels Type { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
public enum MessageLevels
public class NotificationHub : Hub
    public void Notify(Notification model)

After this, I added the following notifications script to my Layouts page:

$(function() {
    var messages = $.connection.notificationHub;
    messages.client.notify = function(model) {
            title: model.title,
            text: model.message,
            type: model.type

In my controller, I have something like this to test out the notification:

    public ActionResult Index()
        System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => SendNotification());
        return View();

    private void SendNotification()
        var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<NotificationHub>();

        .Notify(new Notification
            Message = "This is a test.",
            Title = "Test Message",
            Type = MessageLevels.Notice

When I run this, I am monitoring the following line in my web browser:


... however, my breakpoint is never reached.

Can someone suggest what I am doing wrong?


Per halter73's answer, I changed my script to this:

    $(function() {
        var connection = $.hubConnection();
        var notificationHubProxy = connection.createHubProxy('notificationHub');
        notificationHubProxy.on('notify', function(model) {
                title: model.title,
                text: model.message,
                type: model.type

            .done(function() { console.log('Now connected, connection ID=' +; })
            .fail(function() { console.log('Could not connect'); });

...and the breakpoint is now being reached. However, all my vars are coming back as undefined... I'll have to play with that. I expect it has something to do with my capitalization.


  • Where is your call to $.connection.hub.start()? Is this called after you define $.connection.notificationHub.client.notify?

    If you do not define your client notify callback before you start the connection, you will not be subscribed to the NotificationHub. This could be why your notify callback containing your call to $.pnotify is never invoked.