I understand that I should be using string.match()
to do this but I am having trouble matching characters that "might" be in the string, for example:
teststring = "right_RT_12"
I can easily do something like:
string.match(teststring , 'righteye_RT_[0-9]+')
This is fine if there is always "_[0-9]+ on the end of the test string, but there might be an instance where there are no digits on the end. How would I cater for that in Lua?
In Python I could do something like:
re.search("righteye_RT(_[0-9]+)?", teststring)
I thought something like this would work:
string.match(teststring, 'righteye_RT_?[0-9]+?')
but it did not. the result = nil
However, the following does work, but only finds the 1st digit:
string.match(teststring, 'righteye_RT_?[0-9]?')
Try this:
string.match(teststring, 'righteye_RT_?%d*$')
Note the end-of-string anchor $
. Without it, %d*
matches the empty string and so the whole pattern would match things like righteye_RT_junk