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Pentaho 'org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.ReportDataFactoryException: Failed at query:

I have recently installed Pentaho according to the manual. I have set up a simple database survey and run a simple query, Query1 SELECT * FROM 'surveys' from JDBC (MySQL). When I preview it from JDBC Data Source, the query runs fine and shows the desired result.

But when I open the Pentaho Report Designer page and click on the Query1, it throws the following exception;

ERROR: The query 'Query 1' did not execute successfully. The reason given was: 'org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.ReportDataFactoryException: Failed at query: SELECT * FROM 'surveys'


  • Got the issue. The problem was that the query was without limits. Pentaho needs Limit in queries. When I changed the above query to

    SELECT * FROM surveys LIMIT 1

    it worked. Hope this helps others.

    There might be other factors which generate the above error, but in this case, it was due to the query.