Search code examples

UITableView scroll to row on different devices

I've came on some sort of bug (I guess)... In my viewDidLoad: after fetching and doing other stuff I scroll UITableView to the nearest date in future. I use for this my method but basicaly it becomes to call scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated:. Everything is working good as I call this method from a button action or after UITableView is reloaded but...

When I run thsis app on iPhone 4S (real device) it doesn't scroll me to this row in viewDidLoad but lists me that this method was executed properly! What is more, when I run this in simulator (5 or 5S) everything works like charm! This code doesn't even work when I run this in iPhone 4 simulator... Why? Was there some sort of chanange which need to determine what kinde of device am I using?


  • I would suggest to have a look at two options:

    1) Instead of viewDidLoad you should move your scrolling logic to viewDidAppear or after some delay

    2) Handle this delegate and once the desired cell loaded scroll to its position:

    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didEndDisplayingCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0)
        if(indexPath.row == someFutureDateRowNumber)
              // TODO : do scrolling here.