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Immediately update DataGridViewCheckBoxCell

I am programmatically updating my WinForm DataGridView

Problem, DataGridViewCheckBoxCell doesn't get updated !!!

I was google, it seams like knowing case but whatever I've tried did not help yet.

 private void InitializeFunctionsDataGrid()

        System.Data.DataSet ds = func.GetFunctions();

        this.FunctionsDataGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
        this.FunctionsDataGrid.Columns["FunctionId"].Visible = false;
        this.FunctionsDataGrid.Columns["DESCRIPTION"].Width = 370;

         DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn column = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
            column.Name = "enable";
            column.HeaderText = "enable";
            column.FalseValue = 0;
            column.TrueValue = 1;

        foreach(DataGridViewRow row in FunctionsDataGrid.Rows)

                 (( DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)row.Cells["enable"]).Value = 1;


       FunctionsDataGrid.CurrentCell = null;



  • OK basically easiest way for me was to work with datasource. I've add the column to the DataTable and fill it with data. And then last thing this.FunctionsDataGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];