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Finding an error in hash function when resizing table

While preparing for an exam I came across a question about hash tables. I am given a table of length 11 with the following hash function:

h(k,i) = ( k mod 13 + i * (1 + k mod 7) ) mod 11

The hash table is then resized to size 12. So the new hash function becomes:

h'(k,i) = ( k mod 13 + i * (1 + k mod 7) ) mod 12

Which problems occur?


  • The problem is that the hash function becomes worse.

    In the first case, the distribution of different combinations of k and i is very even among the 11 hash bins. In the second case, the distribution is not so even - particularly, the number of combinations of k and i for which the result of the hash function will be 0 is noticably higher.

    Of course, during an exam, one would probably have to argue why it is this way. It's somehow related to

    • k mod 13 being a value between 0 and 12
    • k mod 7 being a value between 0 and 6 (which divides 12)
    • maybe, somehow: 11 is a prime number and 12 has many divisors...

    but (at least for me) it is hard to find a convincing reasoning that goes beyond these trivial insights. Maybe you have another idea based on that.

    import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class HashTest
        public static void main(String[] args)
            int maxK = 30;
            int maxI = 30;
            System.out.println(computeFrequencies(h0, maxK, maxI));
            System.out.println(computeFrequencies(h1, maxK, maxI));
        private static Map<Integer, Integer> computeFrequencies(
            Hash hash, int maxK, int maxI)
            Map<Integer, Integer> frequencies = 
                new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
            for (int k=0; k<maxK; k++)
                for (int i=0; i<maxI; i++)
                    int value = hash.compute(k, i);
                    Integer count = frequencies.get(value);
                    if (count == null)
                        count = 0;
                    frequencies.put(value, count+1);
            return frequencies;
        private static interface Hash
            int compute(int k, int i);
        private static final Hash h0 = new Hash()
            public int compute(int k, int i)
                return ((k % 13) + i * (1 + (k % 7))) % 11;
        private static final Hash h1 = new Hash()
            public int compute(int k, int i)
                return ((k % 13) + i * (1 + (k % 7))) % 12;