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ZendFramework2 on ExtJS Grid Example (how to send json output correctly in zf2)

Firstly, sorry for my not very good english.

Problem: I am trying to run extJS grid example using zf2. I am using this example.

What I need to do:

  1. make array of objects in php
  2. json_encode(this array)
  3. accept json data in extjs script easy! but I had problem.

How correctly send json data in zend framework2? In example there was 'data.php' file where json output was created and outputed. How to make same in zf2?

I tried next steps. I created new action in Controller jsonAction() with this content:

public function jsonAction()
    $view = new ViewModel();
    $view->setTerminal(true); // turn off layout

    $arr = array();

    // creating data array to encode
    $arr[] = new Student('Vlad', 'Sharikov');
    $arr[] = new Student('Alina', 'Zaja');
    $arr[] = new Student('Kam', 'Nurm');
    $arr[] = new Student('Seva', 'Paren');
    $arr[] = new Student('Dima', 'Glush');

    //json output
    echo '({"total":"'.count($arr).'","results":'.json_encode($arr).'})';

    return $view; 

View json.phtml is empty:

So, json output is available here: zf2/grid/json (zf2 is localhost domain)

Json output:


Now I need to configure extjs script.

Ext.onReady (function () {
// create the data store
var store = new{
    totalProperty: 'total', // total data, see json output
    root: 'results',    // see json output
    url: 'http://zf2/grid/json',
    fields: [
        {name: 'firstname'},
        {name: 'lastname'}

// load data

store.loadData({params:{start: 0, limit: 5}});

// create the grid
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
    store: store,
    columns: [
        {header: 'Firstame', width: 200, dataIndex: 'firstname'},
        {header: 'Lastname', width: 200, dataIndex: 'lastname'}
    stripeRows: true,
    title:'I504 group',
    bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
        pageSize: 5,
        store: store,
        displayInfo: true,
        displayMsg: 'Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}',
        emptyMsg: "No topics to display"

// render grid to the grid-example element (see p array-grid.html)

There are url-field in 6 row. What I have to put there to make grid draws correctly? thats the question.

Or may be I am not right with my assumption that json should be created like I did (make controller etc). Sure, I am newbie. So suggest correctly way to do this, please.


  • Problem solved. Thank you!

    Firstly, creating store:

    var store = new{
        totalProperty: 'total', // total data, see json output
        root: 'results',    // see json output
        url: './json',
        fields: [
            'firstname', 'lastname'

    1) JsonStore, not SimpleStore; 2) fields : 'firstname', 'lastname' is engouht (not need {...})

    Secondly, Not!: store.loadData({params:{start: 0, limit: 5}}); This one is ok: store.load({params:{start: 0, limit: 5}});