I have a list which contains main menu of my mobile app and is visible when user swipes to right or clicks on menu icon. I want to have the background of this list and hence main menu to be blurred.
I checked out the css filter:blur property and it can be done using that but you need to have an extra div under the div which has your content and apply filter:blur to it as shown in this Codepen
Below is my list code for sencha touch
Ext.define('MobileApp.view.SlideList', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'slidelist',
config: {
cls: 'slide1',
variableHeights: true,
onItemDisclosure: true,
store: 'SlideListStore',
itemTpl: ['<div class="slideImg" style="background-image:url(resources/images/{img});"></div>',
'<div class="settingImg" id="settingImg" style="background-image:url(resources/icons/nw-icons/settings.png);"></div>'].join(''),
listeners: {
initialize: function (comp, eOpts) {
function (event, node, options, eOpts)
/*send event as a argument to get direction of swipe*/
this.fireEvent('swipe', event);
I cant figure out where to place the extra div and apply filter:blur to it. Any pointers will be helpful.
Is this what you were trying to achieve https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/4tb
Here is how you can accomplish this
add css to blur the image
.setMyBackground {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;
display: block;
background-image: url('http://666a658c624a3c03a6b2-25cda059d975d2f318c03e90bcf17c40.r92.cf1.rackcdn.com/unsplash_527bf56961712_1.JPG');
height: 100%;
-webkit-filter: blur(5px);
-moz-filter: blur(5px);
-o-filter: blur(5px);
-ms-filter: blur(5px);
filter: blur(5px);
}.slide1{ background:none;}