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What does "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'tuple'" means?

I got a error saying:

unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'tuple'

How do I correct it?

from scipy import integrate
cpbar = lambda T: (3.826 - (3.979e-3)*T + 24.558e-6*T**2 - 22.733e-9*T**3 + 6.963e-12*T**4)*8.314
deltahbarCH4 = integrate.quad(cpbar,298,1000)
var = deltahbarCH4

hRPbar = hRPbar + (deltahbarCO2 + 2*deltahbarH2O - var -2*deltahbarO2)


  • integrate.quad() returns a tuple; deltahbarCO2 + 2*deltahbarH2O is an integer, you are trying to subtract the var tuple.

    If you wanted just the integral y of the integrate.quad() result, use the first element of that tuple:

    var = deltahbarCH4[0]

    or use tuple assignment:

    var, err = deltabarCH4