I have a number of cell arrays that have different formats. Some contain only numbers, some contain several numbers in each cell (each cell is a cell by itself), some contain words, and some contain several words in each cell (each cell is a cell by itself). Now I have several problems.
1.Let's say that I have the following matrix :
A' = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
I would like to add a header to this column and save it in a new cell s.t.:
A2' = {'Header1', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
I am trying:
A2 = {'Header1'; num2str(A)}
But the result is a 2*1 cell array that contains 'Header1' in the first cell and the numbers in the second cell, but I want each number to be in a separate row!
2) For the cells that contain several numbers in each cell, let's say I have the following:
B' = {{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{1,2},1}
I again would like to have a result such that:
B2' = {'Header2',{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{1,2},1}
I did B2 = {'Header2'; num2str(B)}
but I get the error message
Undefined function 'abs' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
3.Lastly, I would like to concatenate the resultant cell arrays and write them in an excel file. I tried:
ForExcel = [char(A), char(B), char(C), char(D)];
filename = 'ForExcel.xlsx';
xlswrite(filename, ForExcel);
But I am not getting anything. Note that arrays C and D contain words and they may have several words in each cell.
I will try to answer your questions:
1) In this case, your concatenation is wrong. Try like that:
A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; A2 = [{'Header1'} num2cell(A)]'
A2 =
2) You can't use num2str() function to convert cell arrays, just matrices.
3) Can you give a more detailed explanation of variable ForExcel? Would be great if you could copy and paste the code here.