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Bower behind a proxy, still does not work after settinmg a proxy

i want to use yeoman behind a proxy but so far i fail. I set up the proxy using the enviorment variables. I get the following ENOTFOUND.

C:\test>bower search jquery
bower ENOTFOUND     Request to   failed: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I tried i can reach via the browser using my proxy settings. I set before as a trial:

git config --global url.https://.insteadOf git://

However seems when i set

git config --global --unset url."https://".insteadOf

it does not have any effect if bower uses git or https.

I'm running on win7 64bit.

C:\test>bower -version 1.3.1

Please help somebody.

Cheers Alex


  • Have you tried http_proxy='proxyserver' https_proxy='proxyserver' bower install? (where proxyserver is your proxy) - or setting the env vars then calling bower?

    See this other thread.