I searched hours long and still didn't understand.
Here is my problem, I made a tiny game it's working, but now I need a menu, highscores screen and so on. It's meaning that my game is completly made without using storyboards/scenes functions.
This is my structure:
In there I put everything that needs to be started at first such as the physics function.
In there I have all my variables such as:
local object = 0 <or>
local object = display.newObject(param)
I put in there all my functions such as:
local function functionName (event)
Event listeners
In there I have every event listener such as:
functionName:addEventListener("eventType", functionName)
So this is all what I have, what I found in my researches is that I need some functions to create my scene, enter my scene, exit my scene and destroy my scene. The problem is I don't know where to put these scenes and where to put the rest of my code. Basically what I need is:
And what if create objects in my functions? Is it going to disturb the scene? And what about score, I need it when switching scenes for the highscore and so on, is there a way to don't make the score not only local but public?
I hope I'm clear enough and that you will understand what I need! :) As structure example, there is the game called "doodle jump", and my game structure should look a bit the same.
Part of creating good code comes from how you choose to organize and format it.
This is what I like to do:
I have a main.lua
file + a scenes
directory with all my scenes inside. I use a lua file for each scene.
-> ProjectName/
- main.lua
-> scenes/
- mainMenu.lua
- highScores.lua
- game.lua
- pauseMenu.lua
- etc ...
Inside main.lua I setup the game and all settings. After the setup I call the mainMenu scene to appear.
local composer = require("composer")
-- Setup game here:
composer.mySettings = "Some settings that can be accessed in any scene (highscores, volume settings, etc)"
composer.myVolume = 100
-- Use composer to go to our first game scene
Scenes respond to events in corona. These events are:
I recommend you follow this tutorial
And use this template for all your scenes: