Can I submit my app to the app store for review, but not publish it yet even once it's approved?
I'm trying to do everything I can towards the launch, to make sure we don't run into any serious delays due to Apple's app store policies.
This is the first time I'm doing it, and there's nothing in my app that I believe may cause it to be rejected. I'm just trying to make the process as painless as possible.
Far easier, submit with "Hold for Developer Release". After it gets approved you can go to iTunes Connect and release whenever you want. During "ready to upload binary" process you get this choice:
Edit: Apple changed iTunes Connect and updated their documentation. Concept is the same but UI has changed, and the earlier documentation link is broken. (Thanks for not forwarding any old URL's, Apple!) Now you can find documentation at (
and the Release This Version button is at upper right like this: