I am creating a quiz app for the iPhone. Currently my questions are being selected randomly with the arc4random
The problem is that I want each question to be displayed only once. Is there a way that I make the arc4random
function generate unique numbers and then stop once it has generated all possible numbers?
This is what i am currently using to generate my random number:
QuestionSelected = arc4random() %4;
Any help would be great.
NSMutableArray *questions=[NSMutableArray new];
//creating an array to save questions
// Place in viewDidLoad
for(;;) {
//randomly select question
QuestionSelected = arc4random() % 4;
//check if question contains this number
//if it does - continue looping
if(![questions containsObject:@(QuestionSelected)]){
//so it doesn't - we add this number to array
[questions addObject:@(QuestionSelected)];
//and exit loop
Thats all