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How to Repeat table in one report side

I have a simple report (1 Table with 2 small columns)
the report works fine but now I'm trying to repeat the table on the same page but I can't find an example on how to do this.

I also crosses only one question about this problem, so maybe I miss something obviously on how to solve this.

Could somebody please enlight me?


  • You can 'play' with (a single) Tablix details to simulate table repetition.

    For example you can create 3 rows of details like this:

    • row 1: header
    • row 2: value
    • row 3: footer space

    table repetition

    To obtain a result like this:

    table repetition result

    You can also use a different layout, for example:

    • row 1: label/value for column 1
    • row 2: label/value for column 2
    • row 3: footer space

    If you have a very small table you can also set report columns to fill horizontal space.

    report columns

    This is the result (simulating table repetitions but you can also use a simple Tablix with standard header/details):

    report columns result

    This is the result if you use columns and a simple Tablix with standard header/details:

    report columns result 2