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Block not deleted from DB

Situation: I'm developing a package for Concrete 5 Version

The problem:

  • When deleting an already published block from the frontend (like any user does), the corresponding row in the DB-table isn't deleted.
  • When deleting the block without publishing, it works.

Here's my controller

class PcShooterChShowSomeThingsBlockController extends Concrete5_Controller_Block_Content {
    protected $btName = "Show Some Things";
    protected $btTable = 'btPcShooterChShowSomeThings';
    protected $btInterfaceWidth = 500;
    protected $btInterfaceHeight = 400;
    protected $btWrapperClass = 'ccm-ui';

    public $pkgHandle = 'pc_shooter_ch_show_some_things';


 * --------------- Overrides ----------------------

    public function delete() {
        $db = Loader::db();
        //Log::addEntry('DELETE FROM ' . $this->btTable . ' WHERE bID = ' . $this->bID);
        $db->Execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->btTable . ' WHERE bID = ' . $this->bID);

The block itself works well, the package too. It isn't My first package at all, also I develop block/packages as recommended by C5.

I start thinking, its a bug, but before I post something on C5, I'm interested to hear from other C5 developers...

In the forum of C5 it says, that overriding the Concrete5_Controller_Block_Content's delete-method helps.

Also I tried to call the parent::delete(); at the beginnig instead of the end, but no difference.

UPDATE The parents delete method from the Concrete5_Library_BlockController:

 * Automatically run when a block is deleted. This removes the special data
 * from the block's specific database table. If a block needs to do more 
 * than this this method should be overridden.
 * @return $void
    public function delete() {
        if ($this->bID > 0) {
            if ($this->btTable) {
                $ni = new BlockRecord($this->btTable);
                $ni->bID = $this->bID;
                $ni->Load('bID=' . $this->bID);


Cache settings print screen

enter image description here

And, maybe it helps, the db.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="0.3">
    <table name="btPcShooterChShowSomeThings">
        <field name="bID" type="I">
            <key />
            <unsigned />
        <field name="desc_true" type="I2">
        <field name="block_css_style" type="C" size="255">
        <field name="block_css_id" type="C" size="255">
        <field name="block_css_class" type="C" size="255">
        <field name="title_css_class" type="C" size="255">
        <field name="desc_css_class" type="C" size="255">

If you need any further infos or code, just tell me. I'd be glad to get some tips on this.


A uninstall/install of the package does not help neither.


  • When deleting an already published block from the frontend (like any user does), the corresponding row in the DB-table isn't deleted and no delete() method is firing, neither myne nor the parent's


  • So finally, I've got an answer from a developer of the C5-team:

    Not a bug. Blocks still store their data so that they can be reinstated in case a previous version of a page gets approved and rolled back to. Block's will only call BlockController::delete() when they no longer need to keep their data around.

    For other C5 developers:

    Go to Dashboard > System & Settings > Automated Jobs (under "Optimization") and run the job:

    "Remove Old Page Versions"

    The child's (or parent's) delete method is firing. The block is deleted.

    Thx to Andrew Embler from the C5-Team!