I am using Asynchronous TCP server/client communication. I have noticed in my log that the same client reconnects several times. However, it never shows that it was disconnected. My code has logging for both connection and disconnection. So why does readAsync stay in loop while the client has disconnected? Here is the code for your reference:
private async Task Accept(TcpClient client)
//get client information
string clientEndPoint = GetClientIPAddress(client);
log.Info("Client connected at " + clientEndPoint); //same client is connected several times in log
await Task.Yield ();
using (client)
using (NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream ())
byte[] dataReceived = new byte [100];
while (await stream.ReadAsync(dataReceived, 0, dataReceived.Length) != 0) //read input stream - 0=>end of stream is reached
//pass on data for processing
var task = ProcessData(dataReceived);
log.Info("Closing client connection " + clientEndPoint);//this line is never reached in log
if (client.Connected)
} //end try
catch (Exception ex)
log.Info("Closing client connection " + clientEndPoint);
if (client.Connected)
It looks like you may have a half-open problem. You should periodically write data to determine whether the socket is still connected; reads can detect graceful shutdowns but not half-open scenarios.
I describe the half-open problem more on my blog.