I have database that contains scores which are stored daily. I want to average each months scores for each user. So far I have this:
DB structure:
id | name | tscore | added
int| string | float(100 or less)| date(2014-01-01 16:34:22)
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getChartData)){ // Data from MySQL
$added_date = explode(' ',$row['added']); // Date formate 2014-01-01 16:34:22
$chartData[] = array(
'id' => $row['name'],
'tscore' => $row['tscore'],
'added' => $added_date[0] // Here I take the month only
if($_POST['range'] == 'month'){
foreach($chartData as $key => $value){
$added = explode('-',$chartData[$key]['added']);
$count = 1;
foreach($chartData as $key2 => $value2){
$added2 = explode('-',$chartData[$key2]['added']);
if($chartData[$key]['id'] === $chartData[$key2]['id'] && $added[1] === $added2[1]){ // if user is the same and the month is the same, add the scores together, increment counter, and unset 2nd instance
$chartData[$key]['tscore'] = ((float)$chartData[$key]['tscore'] + (float)$chartData[$key2]['tscore']);
$chartData[$key]['tscore'] = ($chartData[$key]['tscore']/$count); // Average all the scores for the month.
The problem is this method is deleting all the elements of the $chartData
array. What can I try to resolve this?
You should try to solve it with MySQL. Try something like this (replace 'your_scores_table' with your table name):
AVG(Score.tscore) AS `avg`,
CONCAT(YEAR(Score.added), '-', MONTH(Score.added)) AS `year_month`
your_scores_table AS Score
Score.name ASC,
YEAR(Score.added) DESC,
MONTH(Score.added) DESC