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How pass std::endl to a function and use it?

I want to figure out how to pass a manipulator like std::endl to a function and then use the passed-in manipulator in the function. I can declare the function like this:

void f(std::ostream&(*pManip)(std::ostream&));

and I can call it like this:


That's all fine. My problem is figuring out how to use the manipulator inside f. This doesn't work:

void f(std::ostream&(*pManip)(std::ostream&))
  std::cout << (*pManip)(std::cout);            // error

Regardless of compiler, the error message boils down to the compiler not being able to figure out which operator<< to call. What do I need to fix inside f to get my code to compile?


  • void f(std::ostream&(*pManip)(std::ostream&))
      std::cout << "before endl" << (*pManip) << "after endl"; 


    void f(std::ostream&(*pManip)(std::ostream&))
      std::cout << "before endl";
      std::cout << "after endl"; 