I have been trying to write a small application which creates videos for you and you can send across your own images. For encoding the video I have used Media foundation library.
Everything works fine. I am able to create a very short video, however once I try to create a big video my application starts taking lots of memory and eventually starve for memory and crashes. Memory goes in the range of 1.5 GBs.
I have done some debugging found out that this method is leaking memory. After trying lots of delete and free memory combinations I am not able to figure out the problem. Could you please help me with it. This is the method which adds the frame.
HRESULT VideoCompressor::addFrame(BYTE* bitmapBytes)
const long imageBufferWidth = VIDEO_WIDTH * 4;
const DWORD bufferLength = imageBufferWidth * VIDEO_HEIGHT;
IMFSample *sample = NULL;
BYTE *dataBuffer = NULL;
IMFMediaBuffer *sampleBuffer = NULL;
DWORD maxLength;
//std::shared_ptr<BYTE> *dataBuffer = NULL;
if (!SUCCEEDED(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(bufferLength, &sampleBuffer)))
return E_FAIL;
if (!SUCCEEDED(sampleBuffer->Lock(&dataBuffer, NULL, NULL)))
return E_FAIL;
if (MFCopyImage(dataBuffer, imageBufferWidth,
(BYTE *) bitmapBytes, imageBufferWidth,
imageBufferWidth, VIDEO_HEIGHT)
!= S_OK)
return E_FAIL;
if (!SUCCEEDED(MFCreateSample(&sample)))
return E_FAIL;
if (!(SUCCEEDED(sample->AddBuffer(sampleBuffer))))
return E_FAIL;
return E_FAIL;
return E_FAIL;
if(!(SUCCEEDED(writer->WriteSample(/*streamIndex*/ 0, sample))))
return E_FAIL;
startTime = startTime + durationTime;
return S_OK;
Implementation of SafeRelease is
template <class T> void SafeRelease(T **_object)
if (*_object)
*_object = NULL;
I am suspecting that it has to do with BYTE *dataBuffer . I tried deleting it using the delete [] keyword but it wasn't of any use.
Answered by @jeff
If your code is executing through the entire function and returning S_OK, then I don't see it, and I don't believe it is in this function. However you should fix the fact that you have multiple exit points without calling SafeRelease(..).