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Checking for a palindrome

The following code is supposed to check for palindromes of up to nine characters, though I set the array to ten to leave space for the null. The problem is when the command screen comes up to enter the information, is freezes every time. I am not sure where the problem lies, and am also sure that there are errors in the code that I haven't been able to notice. Any help is appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Delare the prototypes*/
char palindromes(char[], int, int);
char backwards(char[], int, int);

int main ()
   const int arraysize= 10;/*Sets a size for the array*/
   char userinput[10];/*Declares the character array for the input*/
   int palindex= 0;/*Declares the index to check for a palindrome*/
   int index= 0;/*Index for the counting loop*/
   int counter= 0;/*Counts number of elements entered in the array*/
   int palcheck= 1;/*Sets a value for the palindrome checking loop, for verification*/
   int charswap= 0;/*Sets an index for the loop that swaps the values*/
   int printindex= 0;/*Index to print the values on the screen*/

   printf("Please enter a series of nine or less characters to test for a palindrome.\n");
   scanf(" %9s", &userinput);

   for(index; userinput[index] !=0; index++)
      counter +=1;
   }/*End of array element counter*/

   for(palindex; palindex < (counter/2); palindex++)
      palcheck= palindromes(userinput, counter, palindex);
      if(palcheck = 0)
   }/*End of palidrome verification loop*/

   if(palcheck = 0)
      printf("Your input was not a palindrome \n");
   }/*End of if statement*/
      printf("Your input was a palindrome \n");
   }/*End of else statement*/

   for(palindex; palindex < (counter/2); palindex++)
      backwards(userinput, counter, palindex);
   }/*End of reversing the array loop*/

   printf("Your input backwards is: ");
   for(printindex; printindex < counter; printindex++)
      printf("%c", userinput[printindex]);
   }/*End of printing backwards loop*/
}/*End of main function*/

char palindromes(char userinput[], int counter, int palindex)
   char firstchar;/*Temp variable for the two items to be tested*/
   char lastchar;/*Temp variable for the two iteams to be tested*/
   firstchar = userinput[palindex];
   lastchar = userinput[counter - palindex];
   if(firstchar = lastchar)
      return 1;
      return 0;
}/*End of palidrome function*/

char backwards(char userinput[], int counter, int palindex)
   char temp;/*Sets a temporary value to swap the two values*/
   temp = userinput[palindex];
   userinput[palindex] = userinput[counter-palindex];
   userinput[counter-palindex] = temp;
}/*End of reverse function*/


  • There were too many things wrong to really remember, just go line by line, but here are some starters

    • in all of your if statements you're overwriting your variables, use == instead of =
    • your counter is doing nothing, use scanf with %n to find the number of read characters
    • you don't want to pass in the counter variable to your palindromes function as the middle argument because of the trailing '\0' in your input string... instead use counter-1

    there might have been others, but here's a minimally working version of your original code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /*Delare the prototypes*/
    char palindromes(char[], int, int);
    char backwards(char[], int, int);
    int main ()
       char userinput[10];/*Declares the character array for the input*/
       int palindex= 0;/*Declares the index to check for a palindrome*/
       int index= 0;/*Index for the counting loop*/
       int counter= 0;/*Counts number of elements entered in the array*/
       int palcheck= 1;/*Sets a value for the palindrome checking loop, for verification*/
       int charswap= 0;/*Sets an index for the loop that swaps the values*/
       int printindex= 0;/*Index to print the values on the screen*/
       printf("Please enter a series of nine or less characters to test for a palindrome.\n");
       scanf(" %9s%n", &userinput, &counter);
       for(palindex; palindex < (counter/2); palindex++)
          palcheck = palindromes(userinput, counter-1, palindex);
          if(palcheck == 0)
       }/*End of palidrome verification loop*/
       if(palcheck == 0)
          printf("Your input was not a palindrome \n");
       }/*End of if statement*/
          printf("Your input was a palindrome \n");
       }/*End of else statement*/
       for(palindex; palindex < (counter/2); palindex++)
          backwards(userinput, counter, palindex);
       }/*End of reversing the array loop*/
       printf("Your input backwards is: ");
       for(printindex; printindex < counter; printindex++)
          printf("%c", userinput[printindex]);
       }/*End of printing backwards loop*/
    }/*End of main function*/
    char palindromes(char userinput[], int counter, int palindex)
       char firstchar;/*Temp variable for the two items to be tested*/
       char lastchar;/*Temp variable for the two iteams to be tested*/
       firstchar = userinput[palindex];
       lastchar = userinput[counter - palindex];
       if(firstchar == lastchar)
          return 1;
          return 0;
    }/*End of palidrome function*/
    char backwards(char userinput[], int counter, int palindex)
       char temp;/*Sets a temporary value to swap the two values*/
       temp = userinput[palindex];
       userinput[palindex] = userinput[counter-palindex];
       userinput[counter-palindex] = temp;
    }/*End of reverse function*/